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How to Manage Inflammation

Aleisha Smith

Inflammation can be managed with diet and lifestyle factors as the primary tool.

Nutrition and Inflammation

It's important to know that all foods are inflammatory to a degree, and the degree of inflammation of a singular food can differ between people. Hence why people have varying food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances of particular foods.

For us its best to avoid or minimise high inflammatory foods and increase the consumption of low inflammatory foods or foods with anti-inflammatory properties.

Common high Inflammatory foods that are problematic for many include

Gluten, dairy, refined sugar, and alcohol.

Examples of anti-inflammatory foods include; eating lots of fish, nuts and seeds or any food rich in omega 3's. Choose foods that are wholefoods, fresh, high quality, organic and raw. For example when picking meat choose lean grass fed beef. Grass fed beef is high quality and contains majority of omega 3 and less of amega 6 fatty acids. This is great for inflammation as omega 3 is anti inflammatory and omega 6 is pro inflammatory (increases inflammation).

Inflammation and Lifestyle Factors

Managing stress can help with inflammation in the body. Don't underestimate the power of yoga, breathing exercises, 1hr technology free, or meditation.

Exercise at appropriate level; exercise causes short term inflammation that is actually BENEFICIAL to the immune system and body function. The higher the intensity of excise the larger the benefits. However, It's important to exercise at an appropriate level that fits your needs, goals and current health.

Work hard on your exercise recovery and how to resolve inflammation through stretching, great hydration and nutrition choices, quality and timings around trainings. It may be beneficial to increase your dose of omega 3's. 1-3g daily is recommended for mental health, however as inflammation is involved in the rebuilding process. i.e. muscle growth and repair post exercise, try to aim for around 3g/day for optimal repair. Protein is also a very important macronutrient for this recovery process aswell. (See exercise and protein post)



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