As the intensity, duration and type of exercise is varies, what we eat afterwards also varies. Here's a simple guide to follow:
Carbohydrates are your primary fuel source used during endurance exercise. We store glycogen (a type of carbohydrate) in our muscles which is broken down into glucose during exercise. This glucose travels to specific organs and muscle groups where it is released as energy, allowing our muscles to contract. This is a continuous cycle and the harder or longer you exercise, the more glycogen stores you'll use. This is why it's important to replenish your glycogen stores.
During exercise we put physical stress on our muscles which cause micro tears which the body mends with time. By consuming protein ASAP after exercise you minimise the recovery time for these micro tears repair. Protein also helps minimise the chance of DOMS (Delayed onset of Muscle Soreness) so if its been a while since you've exercised or you changed the type, intensity, duraration or frequency of your exercise, protein will help you minimise soreness and recover faster for your next workout.
Post exercise, Its recommended to have 20g of protein ASAP to aid in OPTIMAL muscle repair and recovery. Any more than 20g is just used as stored energy and anything less will aid in recovery but will not necessarily be optimal.
Sources of protein; smoothies with milk and nut butter, any meal with meat or a variety of legumes, soy products, eggs etc.
Protein powders can also be a great option and are more convenience when wholefood sources of protein post exercise aren’t a viable option!
It can be a good idea to train/exercise before a complete meal because then you can get your protein this way.
Staying hydrated is super important before, during and after exercise as we lose a lot of water through sweat and breathing. Before exercise a great indicator of hydration is urine colour. Urine should be pale yellow in colour. During exercise its important to sip small amounts regularly, this is especially important when exercising for a long time. Sipping regularly helps avoid discomfort or the 'stitch'. After exercise (especially exercise 45mins+ or at high intensity) continue to drink water regularly, avoid caffeine and alcohol or any diuretics. An isotonic solution such as hydration sticks, gatorade or Powerade etc. can be useful to restore hydration quickly if you are dehydrated. Please note that consuming isotonic solutions in a hydrated state has no beneficial effect.
- Aleisha Smith